VERSION HISTORY OF ONLINE! ========================== ========================================================================== Version 1.60 03-20-1993 -- Moved the SETUP program external, it now called OLSETUP.EXE. This will make things much easier for me if we update/change the setup program, which is probably the most crucial part of the door. -- Added fossil driver support. -- Removed the blank lines from the display if there was no associated menu name or text/ansi file associated with it. -- Cleaned up some of the input routines. -- Added X and Y Modem download protocol. -- Only PKZIP archive now supported. -- Increased files from 225 to 1600 possible files. -- Added an option to view the door statistics. -- Added support for COM ports 0-15. -- Added support for the short form of DOOR.SYS which is created on some BBS types. -- Added online help from the main menu. -- Added support for individual download flags on each file. The color of the article number will show the user which files can be downloaded. GREEN=downloadable and RED=not downloadable. -- Fixed a problem of users entering decimal points for article numbers. -- Log file now shows which file was downloaded. -- Log file now shows which node the user logged on. -- An ERROR.LOG file is now created when a user tries to view a text file, and the text file is not on disk. -- You no longer have to have all your files in the OnLine directory. You can now enter the complete path when adding files using OLSETUP. OLSETUP v1.00 (New Stand Alone Version) 03-20-1993 -- When resetting the door from scratch, a file called BACKUP.ZIP is created which contains a backup of your MENU*.CFG files. -- Added the ability to turn downloads ON or OFF globally. -- Files are now checked for there existence prior to verifying. -- Files are now VERIFIED after addition of the file. -- When you QUIT, all files are no longer verified. -- When removing a file from a sub-menu, OLSETUP has the ability to delete the file from your hard drive also (You'll be prompted for this). -- If you use VERIFY from the command line (i.e. OLSETUP VERIFY), it will now write to the file ERROR.LOG if a file is not found on your hard drive. -- Statistics can now be generated from the command line by entering OLSETUP STATS ========================================================================== Version 1.50 08-15-1992 -- Completely changed the SETUP program to make things easier in setting up. -- Added an option to reset the door from scratch. -- Fixed a problem when displaying more than 10 sub-menus. ========================================================================== Version 1.40 07-01-1992 -- Added a little more color in the door. -- Got rid of the MAIN.SCR screen -- now generated by the door. -- Added support for up to 15 sub-menus with 15 articles per menu. A total of 225 possible articles can now be in the door. -- Added support for downloading selected articles using Zmodem or GSZmodem. -- Added the ability to archive the article before the downloading starts. -- Price increased from $10 to $15. ========================================================================== Version 1.30 05-30-1992 -- Fixed a small problem when the door was initially setup and being verified. ========================================================================== Version 1.20 05-24-1992 -- Fixed problem with users CAPS LOCK key. -- Added the SETUP and VERIFY programs as part of the main program code. ========================================================================== Version 1.10 05-18-1992 -- Fixed problem with the unregistered version only allowing 3 articles (minimum). -- Fixed problem with SETUP not allowing more than 10 articles. ========================================================================== Version 1.00 05-15-1992 -- Initial release. ==========================================================================